Following the idea of a network, the Encyclopedia will have eight major thematic axes, which regroup the main contents of Christian theology. Each axis will initially convey “matrix” entries, which will give rise to other, more detailed entries, to be inserted as the project progresses.
- Abortion
- Bioethics
- Conjugal and Extramarital Sexuality
- Consciousness
- Emerging Issues in Theological Ethics
- Gender and Sexual Orientation
- Information Society or Society of Control?
- Integral Ecology and Planetary Ethics
- Moral Theology
- Paradigms of Theological Ethics
- Social Justice
- Social Moral
- Stem Cells
- The Common Good
- The Problem of Evil
- The Social Function of Property in the Social Teaching of the Church
- Theological-Christian Ethics of Sexuality
- Work
- Cappadocian Fathers
- Conferences of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM)
- Heresies in the Pre-Nicene Period
- History of Christianity in Latin America: Methodological Reflections
- Schisms
- The Five General Conferences of the Latin American Episcopate
- The Jesus Movement
- The Reception of Vatican II in Latin America and the Caribbean. An Overview of Some Relevant Points.