
Editorial Information | Editorial Policy | Instructions for Authors

I. Editorial Information

General Editor

Geraldo Luiz De Mori

Associate Editors

Francys Silvestrini Adão (since 2022)

Sinivaldo Silva Tavares (since 2019)

Franklin Alves (since 2023)

Thematic or Cross-disciplinary Editors

Cleusa Maria Andreatta – Cross-disciplinary Axis (since 2019)

Élio Estanislau Gasda – Theological Ethics

Francys Silvestrini Adão – Systematic Theology (since 2019)

Francisco Aquino Júnior – Fundamental Theology (since 2019)

Leonardo Agostini Fernandes – Biblical Theology

Luis Correa Lima – History of Theology and Christianity

Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer – Mysticism and Spirituality

Washington Paranhos – Liturgy and Sacraments (since 2019)

Olvani Sánchez – Practical and Pastoral Theology (since 2021)

Former Editors

Afonso Tadeu Murad – Cross-disciplinary Axis (2014-2019)

Alzirinha Souza – Practical and Pastoral Theology (2019-2020)

Cleusa Maria Andreatta – Practical and Pastoral Theology (2014-2019)

Degislando Nóbrega de Lima – Fundamental Theology (2014-2018)

Manuel Gilberto Hurtado Durán – Systematic Theology (2014-2017)

Sinivaldo Silva Tavares – Liturgy and Sacraments (2014-2019)

Johan Kinongs – Associate Editor (2014-2022)

Eugenio Rivas – Associate Editor (2017-2021)

Editorial Policy Committee

Geraldo Luiz De Mori

Francys Silvestrini Adão

Franklin Alves

Sinivaldo Silva Tavares

Scientific Editorial Board

Cleusa Maria Andreatta – Humanitas Institute, Unisinos, Unisinos

Eugenio Rivas – Bonô Center (Dominican Republic)

Francisco Aquino Júnior – Department of Theology at UNICAP (since 2019)

Francys Silvestrini Adão – Department of Theology at FAJE (since 2019)

Geraldo Luiz De Mori – Department of Theology at FAJE

Leonardo Agostini Fernandes – Department of Theology at PUC Rio

Luis Correa Lima – Department of Theology at PUC Rio

Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer – Department of Theology at PUC Rio

Olvani Sánchez –

Faculty of Theology at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)

Sinivaldo Silva Tavares – Department of Theology at FAJE

Washington Paranhos – Department of Theology at FAJE (since 2019)

Ad Hoc Consultants ad hoc

Composed of theologians to whom the Editorial Board may turn for specific advice on entries.

Technical-Administrative Staff

Daniel Santos – Website Creation

Beatriz Gross – Portuguese Revision

Sibele Gaya Moreira – Spanish to Portuguese Translation (since 2022)

Milena Trindade – Spanish to Portuguese Translation (from 2020 to 2021)

José Manuel Lázaro – Spanish Revision and Portuguese to Spanish Translation (since 2016)

Carla Albornoz – Spanish Revision and Portuguese to Spanish Translation (from 2014 to 2015)

Valdete Guimarães; Clodomiro Silva; Fabrício Veliq – Secretariat (from 2015 to 2017)

Francys Silvestrini Adão – Secretary (from 2013 to 2014)

II. Editorial Policy

Editorial decisions of Theologica LatinoAmericana, including guidelines related to content, format, and distribution, are made by the General Editor, after consulting the Editorial Policy Committee, the Associate Editors, and the Thematic and Cross-disciplinary Editors. The scientific analysis of the texts received is the responsibility of the Scientific Editorial Board, which relies on ad hoc reviewers. A Senior Editorial Board will also be established, mainly composed of theologians from major theological institutions in Latin America.

General Editor

Presides over the Editorial Policy Committee and coordinates the entire editorial process. Is the official representative of the encyclopedia to academic bodies and funding agencies. Responsible for selecting the Associate and Thematic or Cross-disciplinary Editors.

Associate Editors

Collaborate with the General Editor and oversee the day-to-day editorial process. They are the immediate institutional contacts for a certain number of Thematic or Cross-disciplinary Editors. Members of the Editorial Policy Committee.

Thematic or Cross-disciplinary Editors

Theologians affiliated with FAJE and partner institutions who are responsible for the conception and execution of the Encyclopedia, namely: the Department of Theology at PUC-Rio; the Department of Theology at UNICAP; the Humanitas Institute at Unisinos (IHU), from Unisinos, the Faculty of Theology at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Appointed by the Editorial Policy Committee and invited by the General Editor, they are responsible for selecting and contacting the authors of entries within their own axis and for submitting the texts received to the Scientific Editorial Board.

Editorial Policy Committee

Is the highest body of the encyclopedia and has executive functions. It is responsible for the development and update of the project, the constitution and supervision of teams, the formulation and dissemination of publication norms, as well as the technical management of the entire encyclopedia. Also responsible for ensuring the mission of the encyclopedia is fulfilled.

Scientific Editorial


Responsible for the evaluation and approval of the texts received and published. Consists of: General Editor, Associate Editors, and Axis Editors. The evaluation work is initially performed by each Axis Editor, the Associate Editors, and the General Editor. Subsequently, each opinion is discussed by the Board, which approves or requests modifications in the texts received. If necessary, texts may be submitted to Ad Hoc Consultants. The Board is the body that ensures the theoretical quality and scientific rigor of publications, as well as the theoretical orientation of the published texts.

Ad Hoc Consultants ad hoc

Composed of reviewers, arbitrators, and evaluators, convened according to specialty, need, and the recommendation of the axis editors or the Scientific Editorial Board.

Technical-Administrative Staff

Formed by professionals responsible for the technical construction and maintenance of the encyclopedia, secretarial tasks, translation, revision, webmaster, etc.


The authorship of texts is primarily of Latin American theologians or those aligned with the theological perspective initiated in Latin America in the post-conciliar period. The texts are the responsibility of the authors, who, however, grant the rights of publication to the Encyclopedia.


All texts included on this site, such as entries, logos, images, and software are the property of AJEAS (Jesuit Association of Education and Social Assistance), the maintainer of FAJE (Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology), and as such, protected by copyright law and national and international copyright laws.

The creation of the entire platform is the exclusive property of AJEAS/FAJE or its product and/or service providers and, as such, protected by copyright law and national and international copyright laws.

The content and software included on this site may be used only for the acquisition of products. Any other misuse, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, display or public presentation of content for commercial purposes inserted here is strictly prohibited.

An Open Encyclopedia

The Encyclopedia not only makes texts available for consultation and research but should also open a broad space for debate between readers and authors. To this end, as texts are published, mechanisms will be created that open to discussion on the platform hosting Theologica Latinoamericana.

Each thematic axis will initially bring entries that open to the general theme addressed, which, in turn, will lead to other topics and result in the writing of other entries.

III. Instructions for Authors


The structure should follow the following logic: the title of a primary section: written in lowercase (except proper names); the initial letter of the sentence in uppercase; font size 14 pt; bold; aligned to the left. From the secondary section onwards: font size 12, bold, aligned to the left. The enumeration follows the sequential logic of Arabic cardinal numerals: 1; 1.1; 1.2; 1.2.1; 1.2.2; etc. The last number should not be followed by a period.


Short direct (textual) quotations (up to three lines) should be made in the text itself in double quotes. Long direct quotations (more than three lines) should be made in a specific paragraph with a 2cm indent in regular font size 11, with single line spacing and with a line space before and after the previous and following text.

Reference Notes

Should be typed in the text itself, in parentheses, following the logic “surname, year, and page”. If there are two authors with the same surname, add the abbreviation of the first name. If there are multiple works from the same year by the same author, the year should be followed

by sequential letters of the alphabet. At the end of the text, present the full references.

Ex.: (MIRANDA, 2010, p. 37)

(BOFF, C., 2013, p. 45)

(BOFF, L., 2003a, p. 76)

(BOFF, L., 2003b, p. 105)

When there are two authors, mention both surnames, separated by a semicolon. When there are three or more, mention the first, followed by et al. (= et alii)

Explanatory Notes

Explanatory notes should be avoided, but any occasional explanatory note may be typed below, separated from the text by a 5 cm line, with single line spacing, font size 11, and no space between one note and another. They should be aligned by the first word, leaving the number highlighted.


1 Rm 9,24-29 is located in the first part of the Letter to the Romans (1,18–11,36), in section 9–11, at the end of the first movement of the argumentation of these three chapters (9,6-29).

Bibliographic References

The bibliographic references of works effectively used appear in a single list after the entry and must be typed in font size 11 pt; with single line spacing; at the end of each reference, leave a blank line; in alphabetical order by surname. The examples are merely illustrative:

(1) From a book by a single author; up to three authors; more than three authors; from an institution:

ABADIE, P. Des héros peu ordinaires: théologie et histoire dans le livre des Juges. 6th ed. Paris: Cerf, 2011.

SKA, J.-L.; SONNET, J.-P.; WÉNIN, A. L’analyse narrative des récits de l’Ancien Testament. Paris: Cerf, 1999.

FARMER, W. R. et al. (Ed.). Comentario Bíblico Internacional. Estella: Verbo Divino, 1999.

LATIN AMERICAN BISHOPS’ COUNCIL. Conclusions of the III General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate. Evangelization in the present and future of Latin America. São Paulo: Paulinas, 1979.

(2) From part of a work with different authors; and with the same author (note: type six underline characters).

LONGACRE, R. E. Weqatal Forms in Biblical Hebrew Prose. In: BERGEN, R. D. (Ed.). Biblical Hebrew and Discourse Linguistics. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1994, p. 50-98.

LONGACRE, R. E. Weqatal Forms in Biblical Hebrew Prose. In: ______. (Ed.). Biblical Hebrew and Discourse Linguistics. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1994, p. 50-98.

(3) From a journal article:

BLENKINSOPP, J. Structure and Style in Judges 13-16. Journal of Biblical Literature, London, v. 82, n. 1, p. 65-76, Mar./Jun. 1963.

(4) From an internet article:

VALENSIN, A. Immanence. Revista Cartazes, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 2, p. 14-32, 2006. Available at: <>. Accessed on: June 20, 2011.


5) From a dictionary entry or citation from a collection volume: entries in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated into the Latin alphabet.

BRAUN, H. Poieō. In: KITTEL, G.; FRIEDRICH, G. (Ed.). Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1979. v. 6, p. 456-483.

(6) Monographs, dissertations, and theses:

SANGUINETI, C. La funzione retorica e teologica di Romani 9 nel contesto della sezione 9–11. 2005. Thesis (Doctorate in Theology) ‒ Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, 2005.

(7) Works presented at a congress or other academic event:

SOUSA, P. J. N. Economic, ecological, and theological reading of Ap 18,9-20. In: NATIONAL PHILOSOPHICAL-THEOLOGICAL SYMPOSIUM, 8., 2012, Belo Horizonte. What do we do with the Earth God has entrusted to us? Philosophy, Theology, and Planetary Consciousness. Belo Horizonte: Faje, 2012. 1 CD. ISSN 2176-1337.

(8) Citation of a review or critique:

RUIZ DE GOPEGUI, J. A. The impossible flower: psalms and songs of hope. São Paulo: Loyola, 1978. 134 p. Review by: LIBANIO, J. B. Synthesis, Belo Horizonte, v. 5, n. 13, p. 161-162, Apr./Jun. 1978.


Old Testament
Gn: Genesis Ez: Ezekiel Tt: Titus
Ex: Exodus Dn: Daniel Fm: Filêmon
Lv: Levítico Os: Oseias Hb: Hebreus
Nm: Números Jl: Joel Tg: Carta de São Tiago
Dt: Deuteronômio Am: Amós 1Pd: 1 Pedro
Js: Josué Ab: Abdias 2Pd: 2 Pedro
Jz: Juízes Jn: Jonas 1Jo: 1 João
Rt: Rute Mq: Miqueias 2Jo: 2 João
1Sm: 1 Samuel Na: Naum 3Jo: 3 João
2Sm: 2 Samuel Hab: Habacuc Jd: Carta de são Judas
1Rs: 1 Reis Sf: Sofonias Ap: Apocalipse
2Rs: 2 Reis Ag: Ageu Documentos do Vaticano II
1Cr: 1 Crônicas Zc: Zacarias SC : Sacrosanctum Concilium
2Cr: 2 Crônicas Ml: Malaquias  LG: Lumen Gentium
Esd: Esdras NT: Novo Testamento DV: Dei Verbum
Ne: Neemias Mt: Mateus GS : Gaudium et Spes
Tb: Tobias Mc: Marcos UR : Unitatis Redintegratio
Jt: Judite Lc: Lucas OE: Orientalium Ecclesiarum
Est: Ester Jo: João AG: Ad Gentes
1Mc: 1 Macabeus At: Atos dos Apóstolos CD: Christus Dominus
2Mc: 2 Macabeus Rm: Romanos PO: Presbyterorum Ordinis
Jó: Jó 1Cor: 1 Coríntios PC: Perfectae Caritatis
Sl: Salmos 2Cor: 2 Coríntios OT: Optatam Totius
Pr: Provérbios Gl: Gálatas AA: Apostyolicam Actuositatem
Ecl: Eclesiastes Ef: Efésios IM: Inter Mirifica
Ct: Cântico Fl: Filipenses GE: Gravissimum Educationis
Sb: Sabedoria Cl: Colossenses DH: Dignitatis Humanae
Eclo: Eclesiástico 1Ts: 1 Tessalonicenses  NA: Nostra Aetate
Is: Isaías 2Ts: 2 Tessalonicenses
Jr: Jeremias 1Tm: 1 Timóteo
Br: Baruc 2Tm: 2 Timóteo

Other abbreviations for ancient works may be used, provided they are explained at the beginning of the final bibliographic reference.